Friday, December 6, 2019

Formative assessment free essay sample

â€Å"We use the general term assessment to refer to all those activities undertaken by teachers and by their students in assessing themselves that provide information to be used as feedback to modify teaching and learning activities. Such assessment becomes formative assessment when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet student needs†. Black, P. Wiliam, D. The purpose of the educational process focus on students’ learning, and when students use what has been taught in real life situations, then it can be said that the students are learning and that the objective is being achieved. But, can a test determine this in a classroom? Can I state that my students are learning based on a multiple choice test at the end of a unit? The answers of these questions may vary according to the type of teaching method a person uses. If this person uses a traditional teaching method that only seeks learners’ knowledge accumulation, then he or she could say â€Å"yes†. These may include PowerPoint slides, talking, QA, discussions, writing and using a whiteboard or flipchart to collect and analyse information. Auditory learners’ may benefit from discussion, listening to presentations and questions and answers. Visual learners may benefit from whiteboard drawings and handouts. 1. 2Explain how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism meet the needs of the learners Within the practical sessions of physical intervention, I always gave additional breaks if needed, particularly in the more tiring and exhausting exercises. If I saw an individual struggling to keep up or appearing tired, I would either bring the whole group back in for a demonstration, change the activity or give the whole group a break. Changing the groups around also helped students, so they didn’t become used to their partner’s or group’s way of working. Also towards the end of the day, when people were becoming tired, I would ask them just to walk through the practice and not do it at full speed, for health and safety reasons. Within a classroom setting doing a PowerPoint presentation if learners appeared tired I would change my teaching method to having a discussion or using a whiteboard or flipchart or doing an exercise in groups. 1. 3Describe aspects of inclusive learning Inclusive learning is about making sure everyone feels included and all learners feel safe. Tutors need to be aware and cater for diverse needs. Aspects of this include ensuring learners can find the venue, the tutor welcoming everyone, the use of ice breakers and everyone being included in deciding the ground rules. Learners should not be made to feel undermined, intimidated or not good enough. The Higher Education Academy world wide web page describes inclusion as:- â€Å"Inclusion applies to an arrangement where every students (including disabled learners) entitlements have been designed in from the outset, as opposed to integration which applies to the assimilation of students into a pre-existing arrangement. Integrating disabled learners involves making ad hoc changes to teaching, or providing individuals with equipment or other forms of support so that they can access what has not been designed from the outset with their needs in mind. Inclusive teaching will have been prepared in a way that is accessible for all learners, as far as possible. Consideration will have been given to the impact of teaching activities on disabled students and will aim to reduce the number of needless barriers they encounter. † Therefore it is the responsibility of the tutor to ensure the session is accessible to the needs of all learners without anyone being singled out. 2. 1 Explain how to select inclusive learning and teaching techniques I can select inclusive teaching techniques by being aware of my learners needs. If I am aware of any needs that they may have it will enable me to plan my learning and teaching techniques to suit every learner which will enable inclusion. I can select the best methods depending on the students’ needs. I will need to include learners in agreeing their individual learning plan so ensure it meets their needs. Ensuring the learners help write the ground rules will ensure everyone feels included. Also using an ice breaker assists learners to feel part of a group. I will need to consider the resources I use to ensure they meet the needs of the learners. It will be important to use a wide variety of resources when I am teaching, the main reasons for this is to accommodate different learning styles but also to help learner stimulation and interaction. Part of inclusive learning is for me to be approachable and accessible, so the students feel comfortable to talk to me. 2. 2 Explain how to select resources that meet the needs of learners Resources need to be appropriate for the learning outcomes and suitable for the learner’s needs or to be able to adapt it. A tutor also needs to consider if a resource is at the correct level of ability. Resources also need to be current and credible and of high quality. Tutors also need to consider their own ability to use the equipment and there may be budgetary constraints to consider. All resources need to meet the session objectives. If we consider the resource of YouTube videos within PowerPoint, some advantages to its use are:- †¢It has a visual impact †¢There is a wide range and choice †¢It can be up to date †¢It is easily remembered by many learners †¢It is accessible However, some disadvantages to using it are:- †¢Quality and sound can be distorted †¢Needs internet connection. Not always up to date †¢Need to have the knowledge of embedding it onto PowerPoint †¢Content may be removed from YouTube 2. 3 Explain how to create assessment opportunities that meet the needs of learners There are various types of assessments. These can include initial, formative and summative. Summative assessments are usually formal and carried out at the end of a course. Initial assessments are carried out before and at the beginning of a course to enable the tutor to gain information about the students, such as their current level, previous knowledge and reasons for doing the course. Formative assessments are carried out throughout a learner’s time on the course and are usually informal and enable a tutor to feedback. The aim of formative assessments is so that the tutor can observe involvement, knowledge and body language to assess a learner’s progress. Assessments need to be at the correct ability and level of the learners. There are various methods of formative assessments, which can include:- †¢Role play or simulation †¢Activities †¢Feedback sessions †¢Games †¢Case studies †¢Discussions †¢Group work †¢Presentation Assessments need to be linked to the objectives and included on session plans. Explain how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills Learners can practice their literacy and language skills by reading handouts and slides, writing in groups or on a whiteboard and generally listening and speaking within discussions. Going through terminology can also support learners with their language and literacy skills. Encouraging learners to email you with any questions they may have will provide them with opportunities to practice their ICT skills. Also if I am teaching a session on analysing challenging behaviour, I can provide data for students to analyse and graph. Homework could also be given to create the graph on the computer and then present it at the next session which will incorporate both their numeracy and ICT skills. 3. 1 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment Identifying the learners’ needs will help a tutor to be supportive and plan sessions to meet those needs will help the tutor create an inclusive learning environment. If a learner is completing the course because they have to, they may not be as motivated as a learner who wants to complete the course. A tutor needs to build professional relationships with the students, creating a welcoming environment. A tutor can motivate and engage learners by varying teaching approaches, giving praise and encouragement, treating everyone with respect, avoiding a monotone voice, making the session interesting and using breaks if and when needed (more frequent shorter breaks might suit the learners better than less but longer breaks). 3. 2 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for others Ground rules are used to lay down order, responsibility and accepted behaviours amongst learners. We set ground rules like ‘all to participate’ and ‘constructive criticism only’ to include all learners and to avoid unconstructive replies which may lead to a sense of being bullied. I could set ground rules by simply stating some common ground rules that I have chosen to my learners and write them up on the board for the learners to see, but Gravells (2012, p91) says â€Å"Ground rules should always be discussed and negotiated with your students rather than forced on them. † Another way would be to sit down with the learners on their first day and have a group discussion or break the class into groups and have the learners brainstorm their own rules and writing the suggestions up on a board and then democratically voting for the most appropriate rules. Alternatively in a similar manner each learner could each say a rule aloud and we could instate the modal rules. 3. 3 Explain ways to give constructive feedback that motivates learners Feedback can be verbal or written; formal or informal. Feedback needs to be descriptive, therefore not just â€Å"That was good†, but instead, â€Å"Your language and grammar is good†. A student needs to know what and how something is good, not just that it is good. A popular method of giving feedback, which makes it easier for a learner, is a feedback sandwich. It starts with a positive, followed by the negative, and then positive or developmental to motivate the learner. There should be no put downs within a feedback and it should be unbiased. Try asking the learner first how they think they have done.

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